Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Raindrop Races..............

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Raindrop races on window pane
Children waiting for sunny days again.
Noses pressed against the glass
"Who will win"? the children ask.
One drop races out ahead
just as mum says "Time for bed"
One more moment Joey said
"My raindrop just got way ahead".
Sister Sally on her way home
Is out there walking all alone.
Its raining hard and the wind does blow
Grandma says it will turn to snow.
The back door slams as Sally comes in
Joey's raindrop scores a win.

© Janice Kay Schaub ..... Sept 2014

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Autumn Days, revised...............

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Autumn leaves all Russet and gold 
Winters breath blows in so cold. 
Puffy clouds float in blue sky
 Leaves of all colours pile up high.
 sunny days are crisp and cool
 replacing the heat beside the pool.
 Walks in woodlands now become
 A pleasure for most everyone.
 Birds and beast all do prepare
 for what comes very soon to their
 woodland homes and places of rest. 
The birds prepare their winters nest.
 The black bear prepares her winters home
 to sleep till Springtime can once more come.
 Returns again and life renews
 and the forests wear much different hews
. life again will be fresh and young
 springtimes here for everyone.
 Not for awhile though first comes the Fall
 Nature hears the distant call.
 The birds begin to migrate soon 
Drawn to leave before the icy moon.
 Leaves of purple drift on down
 to join their brothers on the ground.
©Janice K Schaub
This is an older one you will see at the beginning of this blog, I just added a couple of lines to it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Shadow Wolves..............

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Shadow Wolves

The mist swirls through the forest and brings a primevil tug along my spine.
Long ago wolves look out at me their spirits linger in the fog.
Voices echo on the winds that move among the pine
Shadows move and shimmer is that some ancient dog?
Something from our long ago
moves with stealth out in the mists
Did I see a shadow and eyes with eerie glow?
Stalking me from another time or is it my mind that twists
I hurry home with coat pulled tight
Up to my quivering chin.
I feel the ancient need of flight
I need to get within.
I close the door and lean on it.
I flip the switch that gives me light,
I pull the drapes and then I sit
No longer feeling that need of flight. 
The window panes shudder with the strength of the fray
I am so glad to be inside.
I gather my fear and shake it away
I do not need to hide.
Tis just my imagination that keeps me in fear
There is no ghostly dog
I did not hear that distant clear
sound of a howl in the fog.

©Janice Kay Schaub 2013
Sharing with Adorned from above

Mystic Horses......................

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Mystic Horses

Mystic horses with rainbows run
Her golden horn that shines in the sun.
She hides from humans watchful eye,
The very last refuse to die.
They dwell in secret hidden glen
Remnants of a time when,
Eden was right here on earth.
Eden now awaits  rebirth.
Creatures with such beauty dwell
In places mankind can not tell
She hides her beauty from human sight
She glides on stardust in the night.
In secret glades among the trees
She folds her wings and bends her knees.
She sleeps on fragrant mossy bed
The ferns will hide her sleepy head.
When misty morning sun arise
She once more takes off to the skys
She drifts above the fluffy cloud
Vapour surrounds her like a shroud.
If you should catch her unaware
You would have to stop and stare.
You would have to believe it's a dream
Creatures like her have never been seen
Since that first perfect garden, from dust arose,
That's gone forever, everyone knows.
........but that beautiful horse forever flys
with magical mystery through the skys.

©Janice Kay Schaub  ......  May 2012

Sharing with Inspire Me Monday

Monday, September 1, 2014

Autumn Walks.......

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Autumn Walks.

I see Autumn leaves all swirling down
In shades of Olive,scarlet, amber and brown.
I take deep breaths of cold crisp air
And catch a stray leaf in tendrils of hair.
I raise my face towards the sun
It's weaker now that summer is done.
My last eager walks in woodlands deep,
Before all is done and put to sleep
Under blankets of snow and freezing ice.
Everything now is so precious and nice.
The sky is so blue, so pristine and bright
Soon it will be leaden and looking like night.
I can't miss out on these heavenly days
I need to soak up the last gentle rays.

©Janice Kay Schaub .... September 2014


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Painting by Camille Pissarro
Rich fields of wheat bow down to the sun.
Golden and ripe the harvest has begun.
The drone of bees as they work, then drift on past.
Soft and gentle breezes caress me as I dream in the grass.
Clouds float on by and the heat seems to hum.
Lazy hazy days with the hope of more to come.
The poppies are brilliant in the corn fields,
The Harvest mice gather whatever it yields.
She builds her nest on stalks of wheat
Always busy, her family's so sweet.
They live there all summer and her family grows
Along with rabbits, birds and the crows.
They live among the fields of grain,
 sheltered from the summer rain.
See the moon with her golden glow
Now is the time to reap not sow.
Her moonlight illuminates the scene
Of people gathered on the green.
To get this harvest in the barns
Help is needed on the farms.
The sheaves all stacked now in neet rows
Loose seeds will be gathered by the crows
People soon will glean the fields,
Taking every scrap that the land will yield.
Seasons change and work is done
As it always has in centuries gone.
The harvest is in and we give God the praise
For these wonderful blessings as we end harvest days.
©Janice Kay Schaub.... September 2014

I am sharing this on Inspire Me Monday