He Saved Me............
Have you ever been saved by His preciouse blood
Have you ever been washed pure by the Lord?
Accept Him, Receive Him, believe on His name,
Then your salvations assured.
I trust in the Lord to take care of me
He can see things that I can not see.
He loves me as no one in this world ever will.
His angels guard and watch over me still.
Their great wings cover every step that I take
They'll never leave or forsake me for His names sake.
Till the day comes that I must leave here
I live my life free of all fear.
This world is only a place I must be
For a very short time, life is temporary.
Our home is in heaven where ever that be,
Our futures with God and it always will be.
©Janice K Schaub 2011
Beautiful Janice ;o)